I’ve been building out my “inner beauty” routine as we are transitioning from autumn to winter, to be more mindful of looking inward and implementing energy-giving, soul-inspiring moments throughout my day. As the seasons change, we have to be super intentional about the new routines we are creating in our life. For me, I have started to notice how daylight savings and the shorter days of light affect my mood. Since realizing this, I’ve started trying to get to sleep earlier so that I can wake up earlier and have a longer day -- which makes me feel more energized and excited about the day, rather than focused on the shorter hours of sunlight. 

I’ve also been trying to be more mindful about paying attention to the things that have been giving me energy or taking energy from me. I made a list that may be helpful to creating your own list:


Dancing to music in my living room

Going to yoga / moving my body every day (without hesitation / excuses)

Making lists of small, achievable tasks for each day

Getting organized / cleaning my space

Taking my supplements

Preparing a nourishing meal

Meditation / prayer

Going to bed early / waking up early


Staying up late


Too much caffeine

Eating unhealthy food

Blue light at night

Lack of focus

Mindless scrolling on social media

The first few energy givers I grouped into a mental note just called “movement.” In the spring I found a yoga studio super close to my house and started regularly going once a week, and since then have transitioned to going 3-4 times per week. I can honestly say that whenever I go, I always have a better day. Because I have been consistent about going, I feel that I’ve been able to notice the physical, emotional and mental impact that working out has on me.

The next mental category I’ve created for things that give me energy is called “focus.” For me, this entails not getting into a headspace of going over and over in my mind, all the things I need to get done. I would often get into a space of procrastinating or making excuses as to why I couldn’t work on something even when I had the time to do so. Instead, honing in on “focus” has meant transitioning into a headspace of making lists of productive, achievable, smaller tasks that I can check off throughout the day for a sense of progress, rather than only making checklists of big tasks that actually require many small tasks to accomplish. This helps bigger goals seem more attainable in the moment, and has helped me stay focused and excited while working on more involved creative projects. I would also group meditation into this category, as I have been switching it out for scrolling through social media before I go to bed and right when I wake up. I end my day with nature sounds, and start my day with a guided morning meditation.

The third category for me in focusing on what gives me energy is “nourishment.” This means taking time to prepare foods, snacks, drinks, and meals that will make me feel good and help me have an uplifting day, while also being intuitive and listening to what my body is craving. I also make sure to take my daily supplements: vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin D, omega 3’s and a multivitamin. I’ve also been taking a few new supplements by Olly Wellness for my “inner beauty” routine:

Flawless Complexion:

has antioxidants, minerals and botanicals for purifying skin 

Bedtime Beauty: 

has melatonin and l-theanine for renewing your skin while you sleep 

Collagen Gummy Rings

reduces fine lines & boosts skin resilience

So as we go through seasonal transitions, centering your headspace on movement, focus and nourishment can be so helpful in times of change.

This post is sponsored by Olly Wellness. All thoughts & opinions are my own.
